Queue Bench
First Year Project - Queuench
To utilise the features of aluminium extrusion to create a viable and industrial product.

Types of Seating
Solving issues for people aged over 90 years old and young people who probably can't even reach these benches works too.
Ideally focused around bringing new features and marketable opportunities for the companies that would be intersted in purchasing these.
Design Development
Creating a feasible shape and testing it on the 3D printer to see which one uses the least friction and cuases the least wear. Was printed in 1:3 scale for efficiency and rapid prototyping purposes.

Profile Selection
Choosing the most material efficient profile and one that will actually work under the constraints of aluminium extrusuion; a topic heavily researched prior to all the ideation and concept development.
CAD Bash
Essentially making sure the entire project is feasible and works. That it fits together perfectly and functions as it should.
Raincheck, it did function as it should and looks the part.